“Just some kids from Akron”
Danae Labocki, Chad Crawford, and the IMMIX team are passionate about seeing local organizations succeed so Greater Akron will continue to be a great place to work, serve, and live!
Two mottos we live by:
- Buy Local. Serve Local.
- Work Hard. Play Hard.
We’re excited to hear your story, share in your passion, and collaborate with you so your organization will make an even greater impact on our community!
The Core Team
Danae Labocki
Chad Crawford
Vice President
Niko Andamasaris
Video Coordinator
Our core values are what make us…us. With our 30+ years of marketing and development experience, we have come to realize that we exist to:
- Build solid, lasting professional relationships.
- Work with businesses and nonprofits that seek to change the world, for the betterment of others.
- Serve organizations that need their limited resources leveraged by an experienced and affordable agency.
- IMMIX/integrate into our clients’ cultures and serve them with excellence, empathy, creativity, mutual accountability, collaboration, and results.
- Foster creative, innovative, inclusive, and diverse environments that seek to equally build others up and empower those around us to excel and win.
- Think outside of the box and experience purposeful results.
- View the world as abundant and full of opportunity.
- Enjoy life both on the job and off the job.
- Clear is kind. Unclear is unkind.
- Choose courage over comfort.
- Celebrate wins.